Neptune's Needle is the result of over 40 years of teaching by Professor Robert A. McCaughey. The site is designed to be a searchable database of maritime history, allowing the user to draw historical connections that otherwise would have not been possible. The site is for all Columbia University students and the larger maritime history community as a whole.

Many people helped me in my goal to migrate and clean up the old Neptune’s Needle database. First and foremost I would like to thank my faculty advisor Professor Robert A. McCaughey for his tireless assistance, creative input, and historical insight. I would also be remiss if I didn’t thank the Class of 1939 Fellowship, whose financial support allowed me to remain in New York for the duration of the summer to work on the site.

I would also like the thank AJ over at Pixilarity and Ryan Panchadsaram on Github for providing crucial resources to help me get started. I am relatively new to computer science, so it was great to build on the work of others.

Finally, if you spot any errors please reach out and let me know. Thank you!

- Peter Richards