Bering Sea

Region Type Maps & Charts (if available, no international)
Pacific, Asia, North America Sea Bering Sea

The Bering Sea covers over 2 million square km of the northernmost region of the Pacific Ocean. Its borders are defined to the north by Alaska, the Bering Strait, and northeastern Siberia, and to the south by the arc of the Alaska Peninsula, Aleutian Islands, and Commander Islands. The sea's largest embayments are the Gulf of Anadyr, Norton Sound, and Bristol Bay. The Anadyr River enters the sea from the west and the Yukon River from the east. The warm Japan Current has little influence on the Bering Sea, which has much ice; it can usually be traversed by ship only from June to October. The sea has many islands, notably Nunivak, St. Lawrence, Hall, St. Matthew, and the Pribilof Islands (all owned by the United States) and the Komandorski Islands (Russia).


Robert A. McCaughey


Peter Richards