Nantucket Sound

Region Type Maps & Charts (if available, no international)
North America, New England, Atlantic Sound Nantucket Sound

163 square nautical miles of water and seabed between Cape Cod, Vineyard Sound, and the islands of martha's Vineyard and Nantucket, extending seward beyond Monomoy and Nantucket Islands, This barrier beach-bay system consists of; nearshore waters; barrier beach; estuaries and bays; tidal wetlands; brackish/salt ponds; embayed islands; rivers and streams; freshwater wetlands; upland areas. Part of the Nantucket Shelf Region, it shares the continental shelf with the Gulf of Maine region to the north and the Middle Atlantic region to the south. It is along the North Atlantic Flyaway, serving as a fereding and breeding ground to many species of birds, including the federally protected piping plover. It is also a breeding ground for gray seals.


Robert A. McCaughey


Peter Richards