Shetland Islands

Region Type Maps & Charts (if available, no international)
Europe, England, Scotland Island Shetland Islands

Archipelago northeast of Orkney Islands in the North Sea. 60º30'N 01º00'W. The group consists of some 100 isls., of which fewer than are inhabited. The surface of the isls. is generally low and rocky, with few trees and spare soil. In some places, cliffs rise above 1,000 ft. The climate is humid and, despite the N lat., rather mild. Oats and barley are the chief crops; fishing; cattle and sheep raising are very important. The region is famous for its knitted woolen goods and for Shetland ponies. Tourism and fishing are also significant.

By the late 9th cent., the isls. were occupied by the Norsemen. Shetland was not annexed to Scotland until 1472. A village from the Bronze Age has been unearthed at Jarlshof on Mainland. With the discovery of North Sea oil in the early 1970s, a major oil terminal was built at Sullom Voe in the N of Mainland with service bases at Lerwick and Sandwick.


Robert A. McCaughey


Peter Richards