John Cabot

Region Occupation Born Died
Europe, North America Explorer, Cartographer 1450 1498

Navigator and explorer likely born in Genoa (like Columbus) and raised in Venice; father a navigator. In Valencia in early 1490s; may have been in Barcelona on Columbus’s return in 1493.

His grand idea a shorter route to Indies to the north of Columbus’s route. Tried interesting Joao II of Portugal/Ferdinand & Isabelle without success. Living in Bristol, England, 1495-97. Gets lucky with England's Henry VII, who endorsed self-financed undertaking; no crown money. Bristol merchant community as backers.

Voyage Out [35 days] May 20, 1497 -- Departed Bristol (southwestern England) and sailed west towards the southwest corner of Ireland, before heading north and then due west. On June 24, 1497 he hit Newfoundland 3 days to Ireland; 32 days from Ireland to top of Newfoundland; about same time taken as with CC, but only half the distance.

Homeward -- July 20 - August 4th (Ushant, Brittany coast; turned to far southward Bristol - August 6 [17 days half the time to get there]. Flew back on strong westerly winds.

Thought he had touched northwestern Asia. On second voyage in 1498, lost at sea. Henry VII not interested in follow up under son Sebastian Cabot


Robert A. McCaughey


John Cabot

Public Domain Source


Peter Richards