Search below all the events with in any way substantial entries. For a more comprehensive list of events, please see the timeline.

Name Region Date
Battle of Midway (1942) Pacific, United States, Japan 1942
Battle of Trafalgar (1805) Europe, England, France, Spanin 1805
DDT Outlawed (1972) North America, United States 1972
First Voyage of Columbus to the Americas (1492) Spain, North America 1492
Fourth Voyage of Columbus to the Americas (1502) Spain, North America 1502
Henry Hudson Explores Hudson Bay (1610) North America, Canada 1610
Second Voyage of Columbus to the Americas (1493) Spain, North America 1493
Third Voyage of Columbus to the Americas (1498) Spain, North America 1498
Toscanelli Estimate of Distance from Portugal to China (1474) Portugal 1474
USS United States defeats HMS Java (1812) Africa, Pacific 1812