Spray (1895)

Material Propulsion Country Year Launched
Wood Wind, Sail United States 1895
Length (feet) Displacement (tons)
37 13

Sloop. Originally built as a Delaware Oyster sloop around 1800 and rebuilt by Joshua Slocum over 13 months in 1892/3 in Fairhaven, Massachusetts. The hull was re-planked with white oak, the decking with white pine, and the mast was the trunk of a New Hampshire spruce. The cost of refurbishment, excluding labor, was $553.62.After a year in service as a fishing boat, the Spray was rigged for Slocum's 38-month circumnavigation (April 24,1895 to June 27, 1898. (RMc)


Robert A. McCaughey
Sailing Alone Around the World


Peter Richards